It seems to be back to normal after a short summer interlude - which I took full advantage of by going to the beach and for walks around the Lizard and West Penwith.
Back to work now because The British Craft Trade Fair is happening next week. I have been working on some new pieces and gathering my samples together. A couple of the new pieces can been seen above.
Prices have been held steady this year as I know it will be a tough one - so I am trying to help as much as possible. Again this year the minimum order will be low again to encourage new outlets and galleries to try my work.
The stand has had a revamp too - I have been painting up applecrates to provide a new way to dispaly the work.
I hope it will be eyecatching and interesting.
The visitors are here in force now thank goodness and sales seem to be starting again in the Gallery. Everyone here in Cornwall is in a good mood today because it's the holidays and the sun is shining.
I am realy looking forward to seeing all my lovely gallery customers and all my friends amongst the artitsts. I shall be in Harrogate from 14th April to 18th April with a stop over at Chesterfield on the way back to see family. Big thanks to Margaret who will be in charge in Cornwall (of the gallery, cats and teenagers) whilst I'm away.
See you all soon xx